Is Your Body Chemistry Stopping You From Losing Weight?



Your current body chemistry may be affecting your ability to lose weight.


This is incredibly common with the majority of people out there not even knowing how to test their body chemistry.


Testing this chemistry plays a key role in the success of the Living Lean program. So much so, that we have you testing your body chemistry daily.


So what does this process involve and what am I aiming to achieve to end the weight loss frustration experienced by all of us at some stage?


To fully grasp the Living Lean philosophy and understand this process you must first comprehend and appreciate the pH scale.


pH is a term that measures acidity or alkalinity of water soluble substances (pH stands for ‘potential of Hydrogen’).


A pH  value is represented on a scale that runs from 1 to 14, with 7 as the middle neutral point. The human body however has a neutral pH of 7.365.


Values below 7 indicate acidity. Acidity levels increase as the number decreases with 1 being the most acidic.


Values above 7 indicate alkalinity. Alkalinity levels increase as the number increases with 14 being the most alkaline. 


This scale, however, is not a linear scale like a centimetre or inch scale (in which two adjacent values have the same difference). It is a logarithmic scale in which two adjacent values increase or decrease by a factor of 10. For example, a pH of 3 is ten times more acidic than a pH of 4, and one hundred times more acidic than a pH of 5. Similarly, a pH of 9 is ten times more alkaline than a pH of 8, and one hundred times more alkaline than a pH of 7.



The ph scale is seen below.

0                                                                                        7.365                                                                                14


Acidic                                                                                                                                                                          Alkaline



The human body maintains correct pH of the blood (between 7.35 and 7.45) at all times, via homeostasis. Homeostasis is the tendency of the body to seek and maintain a condition of balance or equilibrium within its internal environment, even when faced with external changes.


This process however, is stressful for the body’s systems when in an acidic environment is maintained. The body produces buffers (salts) that are drawn from cells and bones in an effort to combat the acidic state. This homeostasis process whist living an acidic lifestyle constantly places pressure on the body to balance the pH of the blood and is therefore creating never-ending stress on the internal workings of our body systems.


It is a different story within the cells however. Urine tests (as used by Living Lean) show clearly the changes in alkalinity caused by diet and lifestyle.


The pH scale in relation to the cells, plays a very important role in achieving results on the Living Lean program. To ensure success you will be required to keep your body’s pH level (of the cells) above 7.365.




Doing this ensures that the body cells are in an alkaline state and not an acidic one, meaning the body is not being stressed to keep the blood alkalinity within the pre-set range (7.35-7.45), as outlined above.


Testing your pH is as simple as visiting the bathroom. Urinating on litmus paper on your first visit to the bathroom each day will provide an accurate reading of your pH level.


When conducting the test the litmus paper will change colour. Compare the colour of the wet paper to the scale found in the packaging. This will give you an accurate reading of your pH level.


Click here to have a pH test strip delivered to your door.


The Living Lean program requires you to check your pH on a daily basis. This will provide continual feedback on whether you are in a healthy, fat burning (alkaline) state or an unhealthy fat storing (acidic) state.


Be sure to check your pH level prior to starting the program. Write the results down as a reference to look back on when you have achieved your detox and weight loss goal.


Remember that your pH reading is your guide to achieving rapid weight loss.